Currently, the greatest need the children of Insan Permata Orphanage are facing is the need for school supplies and a way to pay their school fees. It is just the start of the school year in Indonesia and as the Fos Logos School is only equipped to educate kindergarten, first and second grades, the older students are continuing to attend school elsewhere. In Indonesia, this means that the children must pay tuition in addition to providing all of their own school supplies. If you are interested in sponsoring a child in their pursuit of education or simply making a one time donation to help pay for school supplies, please continue reading below!
tuition sponsorship
school supplies funding
The current price of tuition for the children is _______. If you are interested in pledging to pay ______ per month for the next year (or more!) to help ensure that a child can continue their education please click the link below.
In addition to paying tuition, the children have to provide their own school supplies which is hard to do with their limited income. If you are interested in assisting with this aspect of their schooling experience please click the link below.